This guide assumes you have basic knowledge about C# and NuGet. If you don't, start learning it today!
The main package PixelPilot.Core
can be found on NuGet. Install the latest version to start using the API.
Your first bot
makes it easy to get a bot up and running. You can either provide the builder with a token, or by using your email and password directly.
The token can be found in the local storage of your browser.
# Create a bot by using a token
// Create a client.
var client = PixelPilotClient.Builder()
# Create a bot by using email/password
var client = PixelPilotClient.Builder()
After creating the client you probably, you can let the bot connect to a world.
Each world has an unique world ID. When you join a world, the URL bar will display the following<WORLD_ID>
Copy the world ID and use it to connect to the world.
// Connect to a room.
await client.Connect("r082b210d67df52");
Our bot has now joined the world but it since the end of the program has been reached it will terminate. You can prevent this by adding either one of the following lines of code to the end of your program.
// Don't terminate.
// Don't terminate. Unless disconnected
await client.WaitForDisconnect();
That's it, you have now connected your first bot to the world!